Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hello From Rosamond!

Jim & Karen Denton send greetings from their new home! They hope all is good back here at RBV....

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Garage Sale

Don't forget the big garage sale Saturday, 3 August. For more details see the printed August Bulletin, or go to the new website: rbvbulletin.weebly.com and click on "Bulletin Board."

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cowan's House Being Painted!

The Times They Are A Changin'

The RBV Bulletin, printed for years, will soon be going 90% online. There will still be a few pages printed and either distributed to those who have no internet access, or placed in the clubhouse.

Here is the website for the new, online bulletin; http://rbvbulletin.weebly.com/index.html

It is in the development stage and will be "live" with current information very soon.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Like Arts & Crafts?

Don't forget Craft Day at the clubhouse Thursday, 12 September, 10am until 5pmt.


...to see Jim and Karen Denton leave. Jim was one of the cool Spa Homies and a great golfer! Come back and visit, ok?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July Lunch

     The Grill @ RBV Team, featuring guest star Linda (daughter of Arlene Navarro) - plus Rich & Suzie - thank the over 120 residents and guests who showed up for a great lunch! Our customers were very patient as Grill Chef Carrie Z cranked out the hamburgers, dogs, and turkey burgers with blazing speed.
     The Flaming Ukeleles were amazingly flaming! Great music, plus a sing-a-long highlighted the event.

 Gettin' ready

 One of two cakes

 New guy Jim and Fran confer
 Fortifying herself for the onslaught

 Best Costume winners

 Orders were lined up 25 deep

New guy Mort and Carrie